Summer with Bev Case Study


“Summer With Bev” is the story of four friends (two young couples) who are entering summer together and sharing their experiences through photos and videos via social media. The video asset starts with an intro screen + animation that is the single break from the otherwise iPhone-produced video. The content that makes up the video is an assortment of screen recordings, capturing a Facetime call and various moments of the four friends taking pictures and videos together.

Direction & Process

The creative direction of this project was determined by two key factors – Bev's beautifully articulated brand and a youthful consumer audience. In order to tell the story in an immersive and engaging manner, we decided to put aside the expensive cameras and lenses and use a tool that's commonplace for all young people across America – the iPhone. The story itself is based on four real friends who all embarked on a summer journey of learning how to skateboard together in a park. To follow the theme of authenticity, we skipped hiring talent and brought on this group of friends. Our job was to capture key moments without staging or directing, allowing for the four individuals to interact as they normally would, with the addition of the bright cans of Bev.


  • Vertical video for IGTV
  • Photo series for social + web
  • GIF series for web + marketing
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